Sunday, September 24, 2006

Daily painters: In a perfect world!

I was doing some gardening over in Technorati trying to get my crops to grow a little when I stumbled onto a blog where a guy made a new years resolution to finish a painting a day for the entire year. On his homepage he had a link to a USAToday article about daily painters. They're doing it and selling them as well!

I'm a huge fan of repetition in most aspects of my life, but in art I think it's invaluable. Depending on how and what you're repeating, that is. Part of the curriculum of my 3rd year at the Corcoran College of Art + Design was something called "80 Works". You're given a list of objectives that are very loose and open to interpretation. If I can find my work from then I'll see if I can find the list and post it. I can't remember the length of time we had to do them, but you had to scramble I can tell you that! It forces you to push boundaries that you otherwise would've never crossed as an artist. When you finish one, you know you have another waiting so that intensity never wanes. Then there's bad repetition...

A couple of years ago I wanted to start pushing my design further, so I came up w/ the idea of "The Daily Vitamin" that goes along the lines of creating something everyday. Unfortunately I was also running the most successful bicycle shop in the Washington, DC Metro area, and that didn't leave much time for my own work. I did get some design work done for them while I was there, but that was about it.

I'm still working on getting back in the swing of creating in the fine art vein, but web design has been added to my future as an artist so I have to push that as well.

I just checked the domains for "the daily vitamin" and "daily vitamin", and they're both taken, but neither of them have content!? Which reminds me I have to transfer my Artboredom domain over to Media Temple from the thieves at Network Solutions. Damn they're expensive. Wish I'd checked that a long time ago.

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