Thursday, August 10, 2006

durty dirrty.

i'm like, into grunge and stuff...
I guess you could file this under another case of missing the boat. I've always been a huge fan of "grunge" or dirty design.

Unfortunately it seems that everything is using it these days. The killer for me was watching HGTV and a large majority of their show's logos were durty dirrtee! Everything takes its turn in the trend department and it looks like grunge is getting humped right now.

The problem for me is that my creative process is heavily dependant upon building up and breaking down resulting in the waste of that process. I like that waste. There is an implied structure to nearly everything placed upon a canvas, whether it's stretched and primed or you simply press Ctrl+N. Altering that structure creates a natural tension that everyone can feel. Some are more attuned to it's process while others are perplexed. Grunge alters that structure but as it's been used frequently the general public becomes numb (more numb...) and it becomes accepted; then tired. Once a design style or trend hits the mainstream, the design world has already moved on to something different.

It's obvious that I haven't abandoned filthiness completely when looking at my site Artboredom. I felt that I couldn't betray what has been a part of my inherent style by not including it in the design. It's been pushed back (a little) and I've brought forth some cleaner, crisper elements along w/ fonts not commonly associated w/ this genre. I think that it is still a viable stylistic use depending on the task. For me, or other similar projects I can see its implementation, but for most jobs today I'd have to go the other direction putting on a suit and tie and see how well I clean up!

I'm highly intrested in very minimal sites utilizing CSS and XHTML rather than a bunch of JavaScript. CSS is being pushed very hard to be ass feature rich as Java, but still being lite and airy on the load times. I'm working on getting familiar w/ the language, but between school, other personal work, and finding a JOB, it's on the backburner. I hope that I can beat the school cirriculum and start to really learn it before then.

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